
Please find a range of blogs below:

Not a good talker?

You win! Prospects love listeners. They love talking about themselves and their problems, and you can be their audience. Plus, listeners have a big advantage. Listeners know their prospects’ problems. Talkers? They are too busy pitching to know their prospects. Talkers vs. Listeners Teacher: "What do you call a person who keeps talking when no one is interested?" Child: "A salesperson." Why listening rocks and makes us superstars: Prevents misunderstanding. We understand our prospects’ thinking. Prospects feel our... Read full article

Warren Buffet's advice for the Christmas and the New Year

Worth over $75Billion and considered to be one of the world's most successful investors, Warren Buffet was asked what his advice is for being successful in New Year. His answer was to say that Xmas cards should not just be for Xmas but should be for the whole year. You see, Buffet writes a letter or a handwritten note most days which typically includes a line of gratitude, or a few words of praise. Buffet says that whether its business or pleasure, ultimately everything is personal. And it's the businesses and people who endear themselves to others,... Read full article

I didn’t know this when I started

Of course, I gave presentations. The result? Well, no one was interested, but I did memorize the company and product features and benefits. If someone would have only told me this: Prospects make “yes” decisions to solve their problems. Prospects seldom make “yes” decisions on features and benefits. Gee. That would have only taken a few seconds and would have saved me almost two years of misery. The universe only rewards hard work … when done correctly. This explains why I got addicted to books, audios, trainings,... Read full article

Where do I start to get better?

​ Easy. The #1 thing we can do to get better fast is to … do something. Most people plan and talk about and plan what they intend to do, but never get into action. It is impossible to learn how to do things without actually trying them. It is the little failures along the way that help us adjust and master our new skills. Remember, we didn’t learn how to ride a bicycle by reading a book. We had to do little failures along the way to get the experience. But now? Yeah! We can ride a bicycle. We don’t learn how to swim or fly an airplane by... Read full article

Then, See What Happens

Ever feel unmotivated to start? If we do, that means we are human. How do we kickstart ourselves? Use the “then, see what happens” hack. Instead of committing forever, we will give ourselves a time limit. Then, this won’t be such an intimidating decision. Examples? I will read three pages of a book every day for a week, and then see what happens. I will go to the gym for 10 days, and then see what happens. I will make a prospecting phone call every day for a week, and then see what happens. I will take these vitamins for a month, and then... Read full article

How to write influencing and persuasive OFFERING letter in 11 easy steps, want to know more?

​ Over the years People have asked me what is the secret in writing persuasive offering letters. They have asked for a formula, these 11 points are as good as any, so this template has helped many people over the years. There's one thing no business can do without …… Sales and new clients. Luckily, there's a quick way to get a lot more. But more importantly give people the chance to buy. Write more persuasive offering letters and marketing copy. If you do, you’ll increase your income and you’ll be busier, as your... Read full article

Getting more clients to say yes – Through added value

Is 'Offering Added Value' just a Bunch of Words? Businesses talk about giving added value. Some even achieve this massive profit catalyst, but what is added value in real terms and how do you deliver it? Added Value: What is “Value added “? A totally unexpected additional benefit that transforms the feelings of the buyer. (Who will now want to do business with you again). It just needs to be these three things: 1 - Genuine. As opposed to a gimmick or bribe. 2 - Individual. Something that is done in the moment rather than being done for... Read full article

What's in a Name?

In first client meetings we often hear the importance of using the client or prospect's name. Despite this, it seems that often this is overlooked. Here's a reminder as to the importance of this massively significant communication tool... It's the number one attention getter, consciously or sub consciously. It creates instant rapport. It makes you feel more like a friend to the other person. It's still the 'sweetest sound' to the human ear. It personalises the conversation. It makes us take the interaction more seriously. It's... Read full article

What??? I don’t get it.

When I started my speaking and coaching career, the leaders told me this: "Your business will only grow as fast as you do!" I didn't get it. I couldn't understand what they were trying to tell me. I thought all I had to do was talk to a lot of people and get some clients. I couldn't see the big picture. The big picture Prospects first see us, and then we describe our offering. But their first decision is about us, before they listen to our offer. Did I need personal development when I started? Yes. I still need it today 25+... Read full article

“The #1 way to stay broke? Start tomorrow.”

How can we break the procrastination habit? Here is one quick tip. Make the first step so easy, it would be hard not to do. Just the tiniest bit of momentum in the right direction makes the next step easy. For example, if we procrastinate reading a good book on how to build our business, simply make the first step reading only one sentence. Now, that isn’t so hard, is it? More baby steps? (5 words) To beat procrastination, use these 5 magic words. Here is the formula. I will {insert baby step}, and then see what happens. “I will go to the... Read full article
