“The #1 way to stay broke? Start tomorrow.”

How can we break the procrastination habit? Here is one quick tip.

Make the first step so easy, it would be hard not to do. Just the tiniest bit of momentum in the right direction makes the next step easy.

For example, if we procrastinate reading a good book on how to build our business, simply make the first step reading only one sentence.

Now, that isn’t so hard, is it?

More baby steps? (5 words)

To beat procrastination, use these 5 magic words. Here is the formula.

I will {insert baby step}, and then see what happens.

  • “I will go to the gym one time, and then see what happens.”
  • “I will talk to one prospect a day this week, and then see what happens.”
  • “I will get a ticket and attend the company convention, and then see what happens.”

Baby steps.

To delay is to be average. Join the doers.


A man has suffered serious head injuries after being hit with a large, round, brass percussion instrument.

Police believe the attack was gong related.


During my wife's labour, the nurse came up to us and said, “What are your thoughts on Epidural".

I said, "Thanks, but we've already picked a name."


My doctor e-mailed me asking if I knew my "blod group".

I replied, "typo."




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