• “I would strongly recommend Bernie's coaching with any Financial Advisor, the results speak for themselves.” Sean Mckillop - Head of Business for 250 Advisors in the W.Midlands
  • “Getting appointments on the phone is easy now we are using Bernie's phone tips.” Simon Hughes - FX London
  • “After hearing Bernie's referrals presentation I instantly booked one on one coaching.” Janine Edwards - Financial Advisor
  • “Bernie has helped me to complete more business more easily without even selling.” Sanjeev Punj - Douglas Wemyss Solicitors
  • “I asked Bernie to speak on our National Programme to teach Advisors soft skills, the feedback has been amazing.” Mr K. Richards - CEO of the PFS
  • “Bernies tips have helped our accountants to get more clients and referrals.” John Moore - Senior Account Haines Watts

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Learn From The UK’s Best Executive Business Coach

Take Advantage Of Over 20 Years Of Business Development Coaching & Leadership Training

  • Increase Profits Quickly

    Most business owners need more profits, and more capital, and everyone knows that cash makes running a business easier.

    Business owners need to approach new markets, explore new sales channels, and develop new growth strategies, but it’s difficult to develop a game plan when you’re busy playing the game! Bernie has helped thousands of professionals through his workshops, coaching programs and Keynote Speeches for the MDRT.

    Accelerate your revenue growth with world­renowned, expert support.

    Book your coaching session today!

  • Automate Your Business

    Everyone knows that business owners have very little time, since they often work harder than any of their employees. So when do business owners have time to plan and investigate new marketing strategies?

    Your business is for profit, and the only reason you should use a business coach is to increase profits, or get more free time by making parts of your business run automatically. Get more free time to focus on what you do best by automating your business now.

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  • Get More Clients Now

    Most business owners are great at running their business and providing excellent service to their current clients, but struggle to acquire new clients on a regular basis. Bernie can teach you to get more clients immediately, without even selling. In fact, many of Bernie’s executive coaching clients close substantial new contracts after their very first coaching session. Discover the skills and exact words to say to get more clients quickly and easily. 

    Learn more here!


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21 July 2024

Whoever talks the least … wins big

​ Who is going to make the sale? The Professional Advisor? Or, the prospect? One quick way to get the advantage is to let the prospect do most of the talking. If the prospect talks... Read more

14 July 2024

The 600-Pound Gorilla…?

​ Here is the biggest obstacle to our business … us. We get programmed by teachers, parents, friends, the news, TikTok, astrology, and yes, even fortune cookies. Unfortunately, most... Read more

07 July 2024

Use these 8 instants skills

​ When in doubt, tell a story. Stories are easier for prospects to process in their minds. It is a natural way for them to learn new things. Humans like short stories and presentations. They... Read more

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