Professional Introducers Event

Stop cold calling.

Stop begging for referrals.

Stop passing out cards hoping for low-value business.

As a financial advisor, and a successful businessperson, you want to spend your time helping high-value clients with their finances. You can't spend time every week prospecting and following up uninterested prospects.

What if you could set up a steady stream of high-value clients who are recommended to you by professionals? And, these clients come to you pre-sold?

How is this possible?

With a Professional Introducers Event.  Let Bernie De Souza organize and orchestrate a one-time networking event that connects you with successful business people who will gladly introduce you to the type of potential high-value clients you want.

How does this work?

Watch the video below and enjoy.



"From our first Professional Introducers event 2 years ago, we have been introduced to over £7 million worth of business from our professional introductions.

We have continued to work with Bernie for Professional Introducer Events and coaching our staff.”

- Michael Sage – Sage Wealth Management


“After our 4th Professional Introducers event, we are delighted with the results.

We have smashed all previous records with these Professional Connection events, new business is up 50% and profits are up 60%, plus we have more on going introductions on a regular basis from Professionals we would never of connected with. Thank you Bernie.”

- Gary Williams Mercury Financial Management- Manchester