
Please find a range of blogs below:

Why 80% of people don’t trust you on the phone, and how to fix it.

Well, you know how we all hate being sold to? Let me give you three tips which have made it easier for clients to trust. Match the pace of the client speaking to us. If they’re more abrupt on the phone, get to the point. If they’re more friendly and softly spoken, let them talk more. Match the tone i.e., if they’re loud, speak louder. If they’re softly spoken, speak softly. These three points are one of the reasons why 80% of people don’t emotionally connect with the people calling them. This 2-minute video will demonstrate... Read full article

want to overcome tricky objections?

Well, you know how some of our clients sit on the fence and they continually want to think it over. These 2 words will really be helpful – “Comfortable” and “uncomfortable”. So… Stage 1 – is to make our client feel comfortable that they have not made a decision. Stage 2 – is to disarm them of their objections. Stage 3 – is to make them aware of our concern. Stage 4 – is to make them aware of their problem. Stage 5 – if you use the following sentence below, everyone feels... Read full article

Got critics?

Q. Why do professionals or professions have critics? A. Because these critics had a bad experience. Sometime the critics tried something in their past that didn’t work out. That didn’t feel good, and criticizing others is part of their therapy. It reminds them not to try anything in the future. As humans, we make many of our judgments based on past experiences. So, their criticism isn't about us. It is about their past. Not us. We should expect criticism if we try to improve our lives. Critics have no incentive to criticize people sitting idle... Read full article

How your prospects make their final decision, before you even start.

New business owners get irritated when I tell them their presentation has nothing to do with their prospect's decision. They argue: But they have to know the name of the company. They need to know about our latest products and services. How can they decide without first seeing the fees? We are the best. They have to know that first. Our research can beat up other companies’ research. Nobody decides until they first see the facts. Our wonderful company video is what sells the deal. My 3-D laminated flip chart presentation is what causes them to... Read full article

It's a no-brainer

If we want our valuable racehorse to run its best, we would not give it coffee and cigarettes for breakfast. We would invest in the best food possible. The same goes for our new business. If we want to grow a valuable business, we need to invest time and money into making it work. That means feeding our brains with new skills and practicing what we learn. Our business can be the biggest financial asset in our lives. Let's do everything we can to take advantage of this opportunity. Feeling frustrated? Worried about people calling you back after our 27 phone... Read full article

Pushy salespeople don't get it.

So, I get this phone call. The Gentleman caller says: "I want you to be my client/customer." Nothing like starting with his needs to build rapport. The caller went on about how he wanted me to change my electricity, sign up with him, how it would help his business, and never once asked me if I had a contract, if I was happy with my current supplier, or even if I had an electric bill! Was his service good? Yes. Were his service prices good? Yes. But he had already set up walls with his sales pitch about what he wanted. He was a "Solution... Read full article

This will make us smile.

He told me, “New clients is all about building relationships.” I nodded. And then he said, “That is why I’m using automated chatbots on my Facebook page.” Head slap! Ugh! And he said it with a sincere smile. I didn’t want to upset his delusions. I am sure in our next conversation he will be telling me about automated attraction marketing using autoresponders, and bonding over text. Faking sincerity seldom works. People can sense if we are transactional, or if we really care. They know when we have good intentions. How... Read full article

Bad news for untrained advisors.

As you know the general public doesn't want to invest at the moment. The markets are down. The banks offer 4% guaranteed returns. Clients have lost money in the past 2 years. You and I know that the best time to invest is when the markets are down ... but our prospects don't know or believe this. How are your Advisors going to cope? Will they let objections defeat them? Will they slow down on getting new business? Or ... will they sharpen their objection skills, and learn how to convert objections into buying opportunities? It's time for the... Read full article

Stop looking for cheap and easy shortcuts. (Let’s use our unfair advantage.)

If sending a text worked, our company would have done it already. They wouldn't need us. Once we stop looking for lazy secrets to success, we will think, "Hey, what can I do better? What can I do that the company can't do? Why does the company need me?" And the answer is ... To have a conversation with a "live" human being. To have a relationship with someone instead of bombarding everyone with a faceless, heartless text. You and I are awesome at this. Let's use our power to do this. Our company can't do it. We can. Here... Read full article
