How to write influencing and persuasive OFFERING letter in 11 easy steps, want to know more?

Over the years People have asked me what is the secret in writing persuasive offering letters.

They have asked for a formula, these 11 points are as good as any, so this template has helped many people over the years.

There's one thing no business can do without ……

Sales and new clients.

Luckily, there's a quick way to get a lot more. But more importantly give people the chance to buy.

Write more persuasive offering letters and marketing copy.

If you do, you’ll increase your income and you’ll be busier,

as your prospects will be ready to buy before you've even spoken to them.

Here are 11 things your offering letter should do for maximum results:

  1. Illustrate a problem and a solution, Problems are the real driver.
  2. Highlight your unique competitive advantage, it could be delivery, speed…
  3. Grab attention with an intriguing headline, also end with a ?
  4. Give a precise - not vague - promise or guarantee, crystal clear
  5. List as many reasons to buy as possible, 3 solid ones first
  6. Tackle as many objections to buying as possible, so it is easier.
  7. Repeat the key arguments more than once, in different words.
  8. Read easily, as if someone were talking, a simple conversational piece
  9. Remind readers what they have to gain
  10. Explain what readers may lose by not replying
  11. Give a reason to reply now, have a button with buy now or reply here

If you include these 11 points in your marketing, you'll give yourself a lot of extra opportunities.

And increase business, profits and activity.

Wishing you a successful week of writing . Your friend in offering, marketing and results.​

Some humour for the week.

  • The average person thinks he isn't - Larry Lorenzoni
  • Lawyers believe a man is innocent until proven broke - Robin Hall
  • Having more money doesn't make you happier. I have 50 million dollars but I'm just as happy as when I had 48 million - Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • When they circumcised you they threw away the wrong bit - David Lloyd Jones
  • As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind: every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder - John Glenn
  • The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone - George Roberts

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