
Please find a range of blogs below:

Why do we beat ourselves up?

​ Leading performance psychologist and Chairman of the Human Performance Institute Dr. Jim Loehr said: "Your mindset puts a lid on what you can achieve, because your body hears everything your mind says and acts accordingly." If you go to a restaurant, you wouldn't order your least favourite dish, would you? Yet when it comes to our thinking, we humans have a habit of choosing the most unsavoury thought patterns that don't support what we want to achieve. If beating ourselves up worked, we would all have a six-pack, a fat wallet and a... Read full article

Why people switch off from our Presentations?

"The pulvinar nuclei of the thalamus play a major role in attention and filter out unnecessary information." This is what we sound like when we unnecessarily complicate our presentations. Now we have scientific proof that our prospects ... ignore us! And even if we get an appointment, our prospects will only remember a tiny portion of what we present. Bad solution: Create more slides, more videos, and even more information. Better solution: Learn how to get prospects to pay attention to us and remember what we present. So, which solution will we... Read full article

I am a better "giver" than a "closer."

​ When I started my Business, my viewpoint was, "Convince people to buy or join." Every encounter with a prospect was a "win/lose", or "live or die" situation. I hated this. Not only did I not enjoy it, but I also lost most of the time. This definitely would not be sustainable over a long career. But what did I enjoy? What made me feel great? Giving. My new viewpoint when presenting to prospects? "I will gift my prospects with one more option for their lives." This means my prospects can keep their lives the same... Read full article

The 6 word close

Imagine we’re just starting our career. What should we do first? Here are our choices. #1. Find lots of prospects. Talk to everyone. Create marketing funnels, chat bots, and automated programs on the Internet. Buy duplicatable systems that claim to do it all. Spam our friends’ Facebook pages. Or, #2. Learn what to say to people. While the answer is obvious, new business owners or advisors don’t follow this common-sense advice. Even if they do get in front of a prospect, what are they going to say? Most don’t know, so they end up doing... Read full article

The three components of happiness are?

Fixes: The three components of happiness are something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. Dr Gordon Livingston, “Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart.” So if we enjoy our career we already have #1 and #3 taken care of. "I am trying to tell you that I am not interested." Most of our prospects are polite. They won't tell us "no" to our faces. They feel that it’s confrontational, and they want to save our self-image and feelings. So these prospects tell us "no" in other ways. Here... Read full article

What do you think Prospects are more interested in?

Your features and benefits or their problem? The more we know the less we grow, facts tell story’s sell, a simple story works so much better than a spread sheet of data. The truth is that we're born in the zone. Whether it was learning to walk or talk, you practiced tirelessly and didn't get bogged down in failures for one simple reason: you didn't think about them. We get out the zone because we think too much. The widely recognized formula for high performance is: Performance = capacity – interference And the primary source of... Read full article

We only get one mind, we have to take care of it.

We don’t want to hear this from our friends, "Your intelligence peaked at an early age, right?" Ugh. Hopefully, we still have enough brain cells left to realize our friends just insulted us. But how do we stop brain rot? Not easy. We must remember to exercise our brain muscle and do personal development often. This could be listening to a podcast, reading a book, taking a Masterclass, or attending live trainings. As the old saying goes, "Use it … or lose it." We don’t want to join the flocks of mindless sheep who... Read full article

Yes, people do live this way …

During our lifetime, we spend more time speaking to ourselves than we do to any other person. Harvard psychologist Shawn Achor says that the most important conversations we ever have, are the ones that we have with our self. Primarily, because the relationship we have with our self-influences the relationships that we have with others. So be positive with what you say to yourself, what we say is what we get, be your own best friend!! Yes, people do live this way … Most people live their lives dealing with one problem after another. This is why we... Read full article

Where can I find good prospects?

​ Prospects are everywhere. Ask ourselves, "Do they want more in their life ... or less?" So of course, most people are pre-sold prospects already. But, when we talk to them, they don't trust us, they don't believe us ... so they pretend to not be prospects. The first rule is to build rapport. That means showing prospects that we see the world the same way as they do. For example, we can start a conversation by saying, "You know, inflation has risen recently." If the prospect agrees, the prospect feels more trust and will want to... Read full article

Ugly red mark on my forehead.

The salesperson asked me, "So what got you thinking about a new computer?" And then I sold myself.​ I drove home with my new computer wondering, "Why have I spent all my time trying to convince others? They do a lot better job convincing themselves."​ ​<Slaps forehead and leaves a bright red palm print.> Who do we listen to? Salesmen? Or our own minds? Now, we might be thinking, "Are you saying we should get our prospects to sell themselves … instead of getting them to watch that corporate, boring video?" Uh. I... Read full article
