24 September 2023
New Advisor: "Nothing is working. I can't get anyone to talk to me. They instantly tell me they are not interested. This business doesn't work."
Successful Advisor: "It is time you learn the skill of professional ice breakers. This will get turn ordinary people into interested prospects."
New Advisor: "Ha! No way. I am arrogant. There is no way I will change what I say. It isn't my fault. Prospects are stupid. And why should I take advice from successful people like you? I know better. I know more."
We know how the story ends. We have to learn what we don’t know.
And why won’t our new team members do this? Arrogance? Pride? Lazy? Or didn’t know they had to learn the skills?
Use these words to impress your prospects.
“We have a money-back guarantee.” Boring!
And prospects don’t believe us. They think there is some sort of catch, and they will never get their money back.
But if we want prospects to feel good about our money-back guarantee, describe it this way:
“Our unconditional money-back guarantee says that if life catches up with you, don’t worry. We got you covered.”
During our lifetime, we spend more time speaking to ourselves than we do to any other person.
Harvard psychologist Shawn Achor says that the most important conversations we ever have, are the ones that we have with our self. Primarily, because the relationship we have with our self-influences the relationships that we have with others.
Achor's research for his bestselling book "Before Happiness", reveals that we often speak to ourselves worse than we speak to our worst enemy.
Achor asks, "Ever loved someone so much that you would do anything for them? Well how about making that someone yourself?"
Download this audio for free on tips on what to say to yourself and self-confidence.
Click here https://berniedesouza.thinkific.com/courses/how-to-be-more-successful-confident-Gift
The man who invented predictive text leaves behind a whiff, two sins and a doughnut.
My husband was hinting at what he wanted for his 50th birthday.
He said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 200 in about 2 seconds."
I bought some bathroom scales.
And then the fight started .....
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