
Please find a range of blogs below:

Can we change?

​ If we are shy, we keep our advice a secret … fail! If we have bad skills and say stupid stuff … fail! If we don’t know what to say … fail! Yes, this is bad, but here is the good news. We can change! This doesn’t have to be permanent. We have the freedom to change our circumstances. We can take the option to learn and do better. No one expects us to know these specialist soft skills when we start. This is why our companies provide us with training and mentors. We don’t have to be experts in soft skills... Read full article

Everyone is a salesperson, but …

​ Yeah, everyone is a salesperson, but … Some are better at it than others! We sell our employer on giving us a job. We sell our spouse on getting married. We sell our friends on taking us out to celebrate our birthdays. We sell our kids the benefits of eating broccoli. We have to sell to get through life. Don’t you think we should work on getting better at this skill? Two ways to get better results and increase your income. Change ourselves (personal development) Change what we say and do (skills) And yes, it is okay to do... Read full article

Why 30-day challenges fail to work

​ Most people have the attention span of a donut. Keeping our focus for more than eight seconds is a battle. And yes, it is true, goldfish can concentrate longer than humans. Do humans like challenges? Yes. Why? Usually, there is a reward. It could be monetary or mental. At best, the first couple of days of a challenge are exciting. And then? We fall back into our normal state of un-motivation. Reality is sad. To get the most out of our challenges? Here are some ideas. Make the challenge as short as possible, even if it means only 48 or 72 hours. This way,... Read full article

One minute before my presentation started, my prospect was smiling … but then … I opened my mouth!

​ Prospects judge us and judge us harshly. How? One way is from the words we say. In this presentation, I started with the wrong words. I killed my chances within the first 15 seconds. Yes, it is that brutal when we only have a few seconds to impress our prospects. Did I use any mind-reading skills? No. Did I ask a question to take control of my prospect’s mind? No. Did I use a proven icebreaker to connect with my prospect? No. There is a pattern here. “Unprepared” is not a good way to build our business. Advice? Let’s start... Read full article

Two-way communication

​ This is easy to master. Simply ask questions and allow our prospects to talk. If we are a “talker” and “presenter” to prospects, we are at a disadvantage. Prospects will perceive us a salesperson and react accordingly. But a few questions, some easy conversation, and prospects react without the negative agenda that sales bring to conversations. So, for new Advisors, assure them that if they listen, they win. It will be much easier when prospects are relaxed and not worried about our sales agenda. Why we should use more... Read full article

“This isn’t fair!”

The universe is biased towards people with skills. They earn more Feel happier Accomplish incredible feats Reach their dreams … and it is so unfair. People without skills work hard, longer … and don’t get the same rewards. If we want to do more, get rewarded more, and be happier, then we will want to learn more skills. We don’t want to be like the person who graduates from university and says, “I’m done with learning. This is as good as I will get.” Power in these phrases If we don’t think words... Read full article

Learn to talk to people where they are

​ One size doesn’t fit all. When we customize our ice breakers, we adjust for the type of prospect we have. To someone nearing retirement, we might say, “I just found out how to double our pension in only nine months.” Of course, this is interesting to our older prospect, but totally uninteresting to our 19-year-old university student. What should we say to this person? “I just found out how we don’t have to work 45 years like our parents” This is why we want to constantly build our inventory of ice breakers. Each new ice... Read full article

Simple questions

What phrases could we use to make our prospecting conversations easier? After we mention our benefit, we could say: “Would you like to know more?” “Would you like to know how I am doing it?” “Would you like to hear how they did it?” Our bonus for using these phrases early in our conversations? When prospects say they want to know more, they make a “yes” decision. Prospects know if they want something … or not. Here are two examples. “I can now retire ten years earlier. Would you like... Read full article

The cooking strategy

​ Imagine we didn't know how to cook. Totally clueless. All we could do was burn water. Ugh! Now, we decide to learn to cook. Would we spend weeks cutting out pictures of food for our vision board? Or maybe we would chant affirmations, “I am one with food!” Bad strategy. Instead, here is what we would do: “Learn one new tip or technique about cooking food every day.” At the end of one year, we would be pretty good. At the end of two years, we would have some serious cooking skills. At the end of three years, we might insist... Read full article

This Question Works

​ Do we need a safe, non-invasive question that moves our conversation forward? A question that can tell us our prospect’s motivation? Ask this question. “So, what do you like to do in your free time?” Prospects get to choose what they do in their free time. Their free time activity might be the most important reason to use our business to get more free time. “I’m just curious …” I was afraid to talk to strangers. Pretty normal for us introverts. But it all changed with these three words, “I am just... Read full article
