Everyone is a salesperson, but …

Yeah, everyone is a salesperson, but …

Some are better at it than others!

  • We sell our employer on giving us a job.
  • We sell our spouse on getting married.
  • We sell our friends on taking us out to celebrate our birthdays.
  • We sell our kids the benefits of eating broccoli.
  • We have to sell to get through life.

Don’t you think we should work on getting better at this skill?

Two ways to get better results and increase your income.

  • Change ourselves (personal development)
  • Change what we say and do (skills)

And yes, it is okay to do both! ☺

Can't think of a low-pressure way to end our presentations? Try these.

  1. "And that's it."
  2. "And the rest is up to you."
  3. "Well, what do you think?"
  4. "What would you like me to do now?"

How to get prospects on our side

Four words.

Say, "Does it make sense" and most prospects will think, "I am a sensible person."


  • “Does it make sense to have a plan B?”
  • "Does it make sense to start now, instead of waiting and missing out on the positive interest rates?"
  • “Does it make sense to start planning now on your retirement?”
  • “Does it make sense to pay less for your healthcare?”
  • "Does it make sense to do what the other successful Advisors do?”
  • “Does it make sense to pay less tax now instead of overpaying?”


I opened a lovely bottle of red wine at 7pm last night. The label read consume by 2023 ...... I finished it by 1945.

Cashier to customer: Sorry for your wait.

Customer: You're not so slim yourself mate.


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