Why 30-day challenges fail to work

Most people have the attention span of a donut. Keeping our focus for more than eight seconds is a battle. And yes, it is true, goldfish can concentrate longer than humans.

Do humans like challenges? Yes. Why? Usually, there is a reward. It could be monetary or mental.

At best, the first couple of days of a challenge are exciting. And then? We fall back into our normal state of un-motivation. Reality is sad.

To get the most out of our challenges? Here are some ideas.

  1. Make the challenge as short as possible, even if it means only 48 or 72 hours. This way, our participants will have the maximum motivation during this time.
  2. Pick the activity that everyone can do. Not a task limited to some brave superstars. We want everyone to participate.
  3. Have a way to report progress during the challenge. Participants have a sense of competition. They also get more encouragement by seeing the success of others.
  4. And finally, make the rules simple. Simple always wins.

My history of mental illness

When I started my speaking and coaching business, I believed my prospects would change their minds if I could overcome their objections with the correct facts and information.

Yes, my mental illness was serious and definitely not connected to reality.

Later, I learned that great facts, awesome data, terrific research reports, and indisputable proof had nothing to do with my prospects’ decisions. This was a humbling experience.

How could I be so blind? I don’t know. But I was surrounded by humans making decisions based upon emotional choices. The truth was everywhere in plain sight. I couldn’t see it.

When I put away my presentation book and neutralized my logical brain, everything changed. Proof that I was wrong, but also proof of what works when talking to human prospects.

The best news about being a Professional? We can learn what we don’t know.

If 80% of our success comes from rapport, doesn’t it make sense to become a rapport specialist?

The reality?

When we have a great rapport, everything changes. Everything!

Our prospects change their reactions to us and what we say. It is magical.



Independent: a locket which has your photo inside.

What do you call a fat psychic? A four chin teller.

I had three bowls of alphabetic spaghetti and had the biggest vowel movement I've ever had.


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