The cooking strategy

Imagine we didn't know how to cook. Totally clueless. All we could do was burn water. Ugh!

Now, we decide to learn to cook.

Would we spend weeks cutting out pictures of food for our vision board?

Or maybe we would chant affirmations, “I am one with food!”

Bad strategy. Instead, here is what we would do:

“Learn one new tip or technique about cooking food every day.”

At the end of one year, we would be pretty good. At the end of two years, we would have some serious cooking skills. At the end of three years, we might insist our friends give us the nickname, “Chef.”

It is the same in our business. All we have to do is to learn one new tip or technique every day.

Why so much focus on the first sentence?

Here are our goals for our first sentences:

  1. Avoid the “How Much” objection
  2. Get our prospect excited
  3. Get our prospect to ask how to get started
  4. Overcome “need to think about it”  objections
  5. Make our prospect comfortable
  6. Give our prospect confidence

Can we achieve all of these goals when designing our first sentences?

Sometimes. And then it is magic. But we should try to include as many of these as possible.

Prospects are reactive

Yes, most prospects don’t use their free will. They simply react to whatever happens. Need examples?

  • When their team loses
  • When their spouse is upset
  • When the weather is bad
  • If they win the lottery

And … they react to us.

This is good news. If we choose carefully what we say and do, our prospects will react positively to our offers. Nice.

Financial Advisors – Midlands

How to get clients without prospecting.

At no cost – Here are details of face-to-face Masterclass for Financials Advisors

Free ticket if booked in advance. Only 18 seats available.

Please find the details below. Click here for short video.

Date: Thursday 26th September 2024

Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Venue: Hogarths Hotel, Four Ashes Road, Dorridge, Solihull, B93 8QE

During this workshop, I will also include my "12 magic words" technique for

  1. Rapport, to turn a stranger into a friend.
  2. Key question to find out the prospects' biggest financial challenge
  3. How to close using the exact soft words.

This effective 12-word process I have shared at many MDRT events around the world.

Please don't miss this opportunity to take one of the 18 remaining seats at this venue.

Join us for an afternoon of knowledge-sharing and networking. We look forward to welcoming you to this impactful event.

Limited numbers, so confirmation required.

Email or call Bernie De Souza on 07795 600 700 to book your place.



I was staying in a hotel last night.

Before I went to bed, I phoned down to reception.

"Hi, this is room 317. Can I have a wake-up call, please?"

The receptionist replied, "Yes. You're fat, in your 40's and given you're staying in such a cheap hotel probably haven't achieved much in your life."


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