
Please find a range of blogs below:

Mini-stories create instant decisions

So … we should get good at mini-stories to build faster. Prospects love listening to stories. Stories don’t sound like a sales pitch. Prospects love “mini” as attention spans are short. We only get one chance, so we better be good with our opening sentences. In less than 15 seconds we can change our careers. One good story can replace a lifetime of prospecting. Here are some story prompts. Once we say these opening words, it is easy for us to create a story. Once upon a time … When I was young … Here is what... Read full article

Whoever talks the least … wins big

​ Who is going to make the sale? The Professional Advisor? Or, the prospect? One quick way to get the advantage is to let the prospect do most of the talking. If the prospect talks more, and we talk less, our chances of success are greater. Unfortunately, if we do most of the talking, and the prospect doesn’t, our chances are slim. Ouch. Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t talk. But it does mean that when we talk, we should use proven words and concentrate our message in a few short sentences. Then, our prospect will talk, feel great, and... Read full article

The 600-Pound Gorilla…?

​ Here is the biggest obstacle to our business … us. We get programmed by teachers, parents, friends, the news, TikTok, astrology, and yes, even fortune cookies. Unfortunately, most of this programming tells us to stay small, don’t take chances, fit in with the crowd, don’t think too much, and stay where we are. Breaking free is hard. We have to associate with different voices … oh. We must see opportunity while others see only risks. This is easier with a support team of people moving forward. Where can we associate with more... Read full article

Use these 8 instants skills

​ When in doubt, tell a story. Stories are easier for prospects to process in their minds. It is a natural way for them to learn new things. Humans like short stories and presentations. They hate long stories and presentations. Short is always better than long. If prospects want more, they will ask. Prospects love hearing about our failures. They find it so interesting. Give prospects a chance to opt out of the conversation early. This reduces their stress and guarantees that we have prospects who will listen to us. Facts push people into the analysis side of the... Read full article