Whoever talks the least … wins big

Who is going to make the sale?

  1. The Professional Advisor?
  2. Or, the prospect?

One quick way to get the advantage is to let the prospect do most of the talking. If the prospect talks more, and we talk less, our chances of success are greater.

Unfortunately, if we do most of the talking, and the prospect doesn’t, our chances are slim. Ouch.

Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t talk. But it does mean that when we talk, we should use proven words and concentrate our message in a few short sentences. Then, our prospect will talk, feel great, and want to do business with us.

How do we get our prospects to talk more? Here are some ideas.

  1. We listen immediately.
  2. We don’t interrupt.
  3. We ask open-ended questions.
  4. We show interest in what our prospects say.
  5. We ask our prospects to explain more.

Practice these 5 words for instant prospecting success.

"What is new with you?"

People love to complain. This is their chance to tell us all of their problems.

If we listen, possibly our business can help with at least one of their problems.

Then it is so easy. We simply confirm that we heard correctly by saying, "So you have this problem, right?"

Then, we ask if they want to fix their problem.

It doesn’t get much easier than that.




Did you know that you can fly from any airport in the world without announcing it on Facebook.


John's favourite machine at the gym is the leg press.

Dave's favourite machine is the pec deck.

My favourite machine is the vending.


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