Mini-stories create instant decisions

So … we should get good at mini-stories to build faster.

  1. Prospects love listening to stories.
  2. Stories don’t sound like a sales pitch.
  3. Prospects love “mini” as attention spans are short.
  4. We only get one chance, so we better be good with our opening sentences.

In less than 15 seconds we can change our careers. One good story can replace a lifetime of prospecting.

Here are some story prompts. Once we say these opening words, it is easy for us to create a story.

  • Once upon a time …
  • When I was young …
  • Here is what happened to …
  • This is what ____ told me …
  • I got thinking …
  • When I first saw ...
  • I remember when ...
  • The day I learned ...
  • The time I ...
  • The first time …
  • I once met ...
  • I've always wondered ...
  • I wish I could ...
  • If I could go back in time, I would ...
  • The most important thing I've learned is ...
  • I'm grateful for ...
  • I'm passionate about ...
  • I believe in ...
  • My story is ...
  • Here is the short story …
  • My biggest mistake was …


My husband was unhappy with my mood swings, so he bought me a mood ring.

He thought that this would allow him to monitor my moods.

We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it turns green, and when I'm in a bad mood it leaves a big red mark on his forehead.

Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond.

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