
Please find a range of blogs below:

“This isn’t fair!”

The universe is biased towards people with skills. They earn more Feel happier Accomplish incredible feats Reach their dreams … and it is so unfair. People without skills work hard, longer … and don’t get the same rewards. If we want to do more, get rewarded more, and be happier, then we will want to learn more skills. We don’t want to be like the person who graduates from university and says, “I’m done with learning. This is as good as I will get.” Power in these phrases If we don’t think words... Read full article

Learn to talk to people where they are

​ One size doesn’t fit all. When we customize our ice breakers, we adjust for the type of prospect we have. To someone nearing retirement, we might say, “I just found out how to double our pension in only nine months.” Of course, this is interesting to our older prospect, but totally uninteresting to our 19-year-old university student. What should we say to this person? “I just found out how we don’t have to work 45 years like our parents” This is why we want to constantly build our inventory of ice breakers. Each new ice... Read full article

Simple questions

What phrases could we use to make our prospecting conversations easier? After we mention our benefit, we could say: “Would you like to know more?” “Would you like to know how I am doing it?” “Would you like to hear how they did it?” Our bonus for using these phrases early in our conversations? When prospects say they want to know more, they make a “yes” decision. Prospects know if they want something … or not. Here are two examples. “I can now retire ten years earlier. Would you like... Read full article