
Please find a range of blogs below:

Simple questions

What phrases could we use to make our prospecting conversations easier? After we mention our benefit, we could say: “Would you like to know more?” “Would you like to know how I am doing it?” “Would you like to hear how they did it?” Our bonus for using these phrases early in our conversations? When prospects say they want to know more, they make a “yes” decision. Prospects know if they want something … or not. Here are two examples. “I can now retire ten years earlier. Would you like... Read full article

The cooking strategy

​ Imagine we didn't know how to cook. Totally clueless. All we could do was burn water. Ugh! Now, we decide to learn to cook. Would we spend weeks cutting out pictures of food for our vision board? Or maybe we would chant affirmations, “I am one with food!” Bad strategy. Instead, here is what we would do: “Learn one new tip or technique about cooking food every day.” At the end of one year, we would be pretty good. At the end of two years, we would have some serious cooking skills. At the end of three years, we might insist... Read full article

This Question Works

​ Do we need a safe, non-invasive question that moves our conversation forward? A question that can tell us our prospect’s motivation? Ask this question. “So, what do you like to do in your free time?” Prospects get to choose what they do in their free time. Their free time activity might be the most important reason to use our business to get more free time. “I’m just curious …” I was afraid to talk to strangers. Pretty normal for us introverts. But it all changed with these three words, “I am just... Read full article

How do we notice opportunities

Need the toilet? We see every toilet sign. Don’t need the toilet? We walk past every toilet sign, never noticing its existence. When we set goals, we notice resources and opportunities that could help us move forward to achieve those goals. Goals help us see opportunities where others walk by. The purpose of business The purpose of business is to solve our prospects' problems. When prospects tell us their problems, then all we have to do is ask, "Would it be okay if you could fix that problem?" Our prospects make a quick... Read full article

"I don’t know how” … is normal

​ Of course, we don’t know how to do this business when we start. Nobody learns the skills of every profession in the universe while we are in school. But we are human. We can make the decision to learn new skills. The only thing between us, and where we want to be, is some stuff we don’t know how to do yet. Let’s learn more skills now. "I don’t believe you!” Advisor straight out of the Academy: “People need facts and information to make a decision.” Me: “No.” Advisor straight out of the... Read full article