"I don’t know how” … is normal

Of course, we don’t know how to do this business when we start. Nobody learns the skills of every profession in the universe while we are in school.

But we are human. We can make the decision to learn new skills.

The only thing between us, and where we want to be, is some stuff we don’t know how to do yet.

Let’s learn more skills now.

"I don’t believe you!”

Advisor straight out of the Academy: “People need facts and information to make a decision.”

Me: “No.”

Advisor straight out of the Academy: “Prospects have to get a presentation before they can make up their minds.”

Me: “No.”

Advisor straight out of the Academy: “I don’t believe you. You think that prospects make up their minds immediately without a presentation.”

Me: “I have a programme, the 15 magic words which will get a decision in the first 15 seconds, do want the details?”

Advisor straight out of the Academy: “No. I don’t have time for that.”

Me: “That was a quick decision.”

Advisor straight out of the Academy: “Leave me alone!”

Feel the difference?

"What do you do for a living?" (This question prompts an answer that is not a story. We can do much better.)

"What do you love about your current job?" (This question prompts a story that is accessing the feelings part of the brain.)

What is the difference between these two questions?

One question will get us a tick exercise no rapport or client. The other question will get us a huge return on fees and clients.



No man goes before his time. Unless the boss leaves early.

Last week a Japanese rail company issued a statement apologising for a train leaving 20 seconds early.

In England, trains regularly run more than 20 mins late accompanied by an automated, insincere, tannoy message apologising for "any inconvenience caused".

Its revealing that the anagram of England's "National Rail Timetables" is "all trains aim to be late in".


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