Please find a range of blogs below:
28 April 2024
To do something new, we have to say "no" to something. Then we will have time to say "yes" to something we want more.
Need an example?
Say "no" to an hour of social media scrolling and "yes" to:
Calling one new prospect before dinner.
Learn a new skill for our business.
Spend one hour weekly with a coach.
How do I start my presentation if I am shy?
Shy? Fear rejection or judgment?
Sounds normal.
Use these words to remove pressure and rejection:
“I don’t know if this business will work...
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21 April 2024
Procrastination does not mean our team members gave up on their dreams.
When our team members procrastinate, let's not treat the symptoms.
Instead, let's look at the core problem.
Procrastination, or lack of motivation to take action, can come from several causes. Here are the two most common causes:
They fear that they don't know what to say or do, so they wait.
They fear an unsuccessful outcome. That could mean rejection.
So, what should we do?
If they don't know what to say and do, then we should teach them skills. That will...
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14 April 2024
"And that's it."
"And the rest is up to you."
"Well, what do you think?"
"What would you like me to do now?"
Okay, these are far from the best closing practices, but they are easy and safe.
Prospecting: The Quest for Imperfection.
When you use these words in front of a saying, it’s never challengers “There is an old saying …”
Put the magic word phrase, “There is an old saying …” in front of these phrases for maximum impact:
“A failure is someone who...
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07 April 2024
Would you get your new car serviced by an unskilled wannabe mechanic?
Would you allow an unskilled student dentist to repair your teeth?
Mindset is important, but it can only take us part of the way. Walking across burning coals is a nice party trick, but that isn't our mission in Business.
"Wanting it" and "knowing how to get it" are two different things.
But ... nobody told me that when I started. So, I started my career with ...
Ignorance on fire!
Yes, it did attract a few people. But later I learned that they came for the...
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