
Please find a range of blogs below:

Easy rapport-building opening words.

​ Easy rapport-building opening words. Most people. Everybody knows. Everybody says. There is an old saying. Makes sense. Put these words before our facts, and then prospects will trust our facts more. What words help us ease the tension after an objection? As we know, we must start with agreement. If we disagree, it is over. We would be talking, but no one would be listening. Start with: "I see where you are coming from." "Makes sense." "It’s okay." "Of course." These starter words will... Read full article

I hit my hand with a hammer ...

​ Every action will produce a result. If we don’t like the result, then we should change the activity. For example, I hit my hand with a hammer. Ouch! That really hurts. Then, I do it again. I hit my hand with a hammer. Ouch! Ouch! Now my hand really hurts. I repeat. And guess what? Ouch! Ouch! Well, by now we get the picture. The action of hitting my hand with a hammer consistently makes my hand hurt a lot. If I want different results, I should do something different. Maybe I should have a cup of tea instead of hitting my hand with a... Read full article