
Please find a range of blogs below:

Busy buyers want us to make their decisions

We all live busy lives today, and wouldn’t it be great if we could find another hour or 2? So, when we meet people who are viewed to be a specialist, we want them to take care of their stuff and make decisions with specific instructions and crystal-clear directions. Specific. We want less meetings and more things accomplished in less time. So, when we hear vague comments like “we will get back to you later this week, replace with “we will respond in writing by 4pm tomorrow”. If you put doubt in peoples mind, stutter, pause or sound under... Read full article

Being Shy can be a massive advantage when your prospecting

Being Shy can be a massive advantage when your prospecting Shy people have a massive advantage A common misconception is that shy people have trouble building their businesses. Wrong. Shy people have a natural advantage that makes them great business-builders. Natural advantage? Yes. They are great listeners. And prospects love great listeners. If the purpose of business is to solve other people’s problems, how can we know what our prospects’ problems are if we are talking all the time? Yes, the talkers pitch their businesses blindly, not... Read full article

Why looking for good prospects is ... not the answer.

​ We talked to our friends, and they said, "No." We talked to our relatives, and they said, "Not interested." Finding more new prospects to ruin isn’t the answer. We don’t need more new people to ruin. We need to change what we say. If our best prospects (family and friends) hated what we said, then strangers won’t like what we say any better. •          Buying 1,000 names of new prospects to ruin isn’t the... Read full article

Do People say your childish?

Remember as a child when you couldn't pass a swing without wanting to have a go? Remember when your imagination transported you to a world where rockets were made from water bottles and castles were made of cushions? Never, ever, lose the desire to climb a tree or run through sprinklers. As the French philosopher Charles Baudelaire said, creative genius comes from those who have managed to stay in touch with their childhood and not got buried under the could, should and would of adulthood. Don't become stale. Also, we can learn so much from our... Read full article

Are you over appreciated?

Can you remember your first date with your spouse or a partner? Can you remember how you felt? Butterflies in the stomach, can't wait to see them? But after while the romance fades doesn't it, and we don't hang off our partners every word. This is also true of business relationships so that's why we need to keep it fresh and let our customers, colleagues and loved ones know that we care about them and appreciate them. In over 30 years of business, I've never come across anyone who has ever told me that they feel over... Read full article

3 simple tips to be successful

A successful life requires 3 simple things, a  Wish bone - You can't hit a target you can't see. Having a clear vision of what you wish for keeps you on the right path. Back bone - to keep going when you're going through hell, and a Funny bone - laughter is the shortest distance between two people, and given that great relationships drive business and life, putting a smile on people's faces is both an enjoyable and profitable strategy. Regardless, don't you find that people with a good sense of humour have a better sense of life? Read full article
