
Please find a range of blogs below:

Everyone is a salesperson, but …

​ Yeah, everyone is a salesperson, but … Some are better at it than others! We sell our employer on giving us a job. We sell our spouse on getting married. We sell our friends on taking us out to celebrate our birthdays. We sell our kids the benefits of eating broccoli. We have to sell to get through life. Don’t you think we should work on getting better at this skill? Two ways to get better results and increase your income. Change ourselves (personal development) Change what we say and do (skills) And yes, it is okay to do... Read full article

Why 30-day challenges fail to work

​ Most people have the attention span of a donut. Keeping our focus for more than eight seconds is a battle. And yes, it is true, goldfish can concentrate longer than humans. Do humans like challenges? Yes. Why? Usually, there is a reward. It could be monetary or mental. At best, the first couple of days of a challenge are exciting. And then? We fall back into our normal state of un-motivation. Reality is sad. To get the most out of our challenges? Here are some ideas. Make the challenge as short as possible, even if it means only 48 or 72 hours. This way,... Read full article