
Please find a range of blogs below:

What do we remember?

Brain science confirms that we don’t remember details, for many different reasons. But now we know that studying for history tests and memorizing names and dates was way too hard. Now we have Google. We can just look up that stuff. But wait. What about our prospects? If they don’t remember facts, what do they remember? Our brains remember concepts and feelings. And as presenters, we don’t even get our concepts and feelings past their attention filters. Sad. What should we do? We want an audience for our message. First, we must get past... Read full article

From “hi” to keen prospect in a minute.

​ Accepted social conversation sequence: #1. What is your name? #2. Where do you live? #3. What do you do for a living? At networking events. #1. Let me tell you what I do. (Data dump.) #2. What do you do? Problems are 10x the power of solutions. “I show people/companies/salesmen how to ______ .” Technically correct, but no rapport enhancement. “Well, you know how … problem … solution.” (Declarative.) “Have you ever noticed this situation? I solve that situation.” (Question. Longer... Read full article