
Please find a range of blogs below:

Can we control others?

​ No.  But we can control our actions. This is why setting goals can be discouraging. We might be measuring our success by the actions of others. Here is a better way to set our goals. Set goals on our efforts, not on the outcome, because the outcome depends too much on other people’s lives. For example, instead of having a goal of Closing a big deal every week, we can set a goal of talking to seven people each week. That is within our control. And yes, goal-setting season is approaching. We can start practicing now. Making our one... Read full article

The Tangerine way to do business… are you using the easier way?

In today’s world, we have to make doing business easy and user friendly for all.   Many years ago, we would take all day preparing for an evening meal, and would take 3 hours with the family enjoying the experience.   Now we hear the ping of the microwave 60 seconds from when we arrive in the house and we all scoff it down as a family in minutes, the winner is the microwave and instant food!   So how do we do business the tangerine way?   It is the secret key to winning more business at higher prices and less rejection... Read full article