
Please find a range of blogs below:

Why are people’s problems so interesting to them?

Problems. Problems are ten times more interesting than our wonderful solutions. People care about themselves. They don’t have much time to care about us and our solutions. So when we concentrate on their problems, we are the most interesting people in the world. What does that mean for us? Instead of showing our brochures, videos, compensation plan, etc., we can be more effective by talking to them about their problems. Then, get a commitment from them that they want to fix those problems. Now our products and business are the solution to their... Read full article

Why looking for good prospects is ... not the answer.

​ We talked to our friends, and they said, "No." We talked to our relatives, and they said, "Not interested." Finding more new prospects to ruin isn’t the answer. We don’t need more new people to ruin. We need to change what we say. If our best prospects (family and friends) hated what we said, then strangers won’t like what we say any better. Buying 1,000 names of new prospects to ruin isn’t the answer. Joining 20 networking clubs isn’t the answer. Spamming Facebook friends... Read full article