
Please find a range of blogs below:

What to say to complainers.

When a team member complains about something, simply say, "And what solution would you propose if you were a leader?" This teaches team members to solve their own problems and take personal responsibility for their business success. What holds us back. The only thing between where we are now and where we want to be is ... what we don’t know yet. Don’t let others tell us that we are not motivated, that our goals are too weak, or that we don’t care. That isn’t the problem. As we learn what we don’t know now, we will get... Read full article

Negative people?

​ Look for people with problems. When our prospects say they have a problem, ask this: "Do you want to do something about it?" Our prospects have two possible answers. 1. "Yes." Easy. Now we can offer our solution. These prospects want what we have to offer. 2. "No." Prospects seldom say "no" outright. Instead, they list their excuses, issues, doubts, problems, they change the subject, and well, we don't have to deal with these prospects. Simply move on. I like asking this question, "Do you want to do... Read full article

Handling objections more smoothly

What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. But a lot of stuff can kill us! There is no glory in handling objections. The true professional prevents objections. How? By avoiding words and phrases that trigger objections in our prospects’ minds. For example, the fees objection. We don’t see people walking down the street, and all of a sudden, they throw up their arms and yell, " The fees are too high “Doesn’t happen. It is the same when we talk to people. For this objection to occur, we must have done something to trigger it. Did... Read full article

Why our prospects make snap decisions

The human mind is designed for survival. It has to keep us alive. To do that, we make quick decisions. For example, a car is speeding towards us. We want a quick decision to jump out of the way, right or left. We don’t want to order a mathematics book on Amazon, figure out the current speed, the probability of contact, etc. We will die. Thinking? That comes much later. And that is why we need to talk to the subconscious minds of our prospects to get instant "yes" decisions. Later, after we get the "yes" decision, we can do a presentation... Read full article