
Please find a range of blogs below:

Are you going to take it or lead it?

It feels great to be chosen doesn't it? Whether that's for the football team, the quiz team or a new job, the social approval massages the ego. From the moment we're born, until we leave this mortal coil, someone chooses which school we go to, what college we attend, what job we get, when we're promoted, the list goes on. So our lives can easily be reduced to one of being a follower. Our inner voice, innate creativity and burning inspiration are often subdued by society's requirement to take orders, stay in line and maintain the status... Read full article

How to get a Kick start in life

When a giraffe is born it falls more than six feet from its mother's womb on to the floor. After checking that it's breathing normally the mother kicks the baby and sends it sprawling. In fact, the mother will keep kicking its new-born until it stands up and then, when it does eventually stand up, the mother will kick its new born again so it falls down. This seemingly cruel process is repeated for 10 - 15 minutes. In the wild, baby giraffes must be able to get up very quickly in order to stay with the herd, where there is safety and not fall prey to lions,... Read full article

Sir Richard Branson shared this…

Sir Richard Branson shared this…   When asked what's the biggest thing that stops people from living their dream, Sir Richard Branson replied, "The fear of failure."   Yet this is a fear we're not born with.   We're actually only born with two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears are learned as we grow up.   Young children are happy because their minds haven't downloaded the file "what could go wrong." They're more awake to each moment than most... Read full article