The Prospecting Shortcut

Why complicate prospecting?

Prospecting doesn’t have to be a grind. Here’s a secret: the simplest methods often work best.

Why simplicity works

Prospects are overwhelmed by the constant noise of ads, pitches, and offers. The more complex our approach, the easier it is for them to tune out. Instead, we can simplify with these steps:

  • Be direct. A simple, “Have you thought about improving this area of your life?” opens doors.
  • Ask one question. Example: “What would you like to change most in your current situation?”
  • Offer one solution. “Here’s how this could help with that exact challenge.”

Stories connect like nothing else

I remember meeting a prospect who dismissed every salesperson they encountered. Instead of selling, I shared a story about someone with the same issue they faced. The reaction? Instant connection. We moved forward in the conversation, and they signed up within days.

The golden question

“How would you feel if you didn’t have to deal with this problem anymore?” This question turns on the imagination and builds rapport instantly.



I’m terrible at math, but I can always count on prospects rejecting me... until I learned to listen!

Did you hear about the salesperson who started a bakery? They made enough dough to roll with the big clients.

My business pitch is like coffee—strong, rich, and sometimes spilled under pressure.


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