How I made my presentations 300% better

I got rid of my presentation book and learned to simply ask:

“What would you like to know first?”

Then I listened and answered only the questions my prospects wanted to know.

This turns off the salesperson alarm in our prospects. Now they can hear all of the good things about our business without prejudice.

I Wish They Would Have Told Me This 26 Years Ago.

We are in a commercial business, not a social chit-chat club.

That is why when we talk to people using social language, we talk, we show videos, we read flip charts, we look at web pages . . . and nothing happens.

We are not paid to talk to people, to give presentations, to read flip charts, etc.

We are paid to get prospects to make a decision to join our business or become a client.

That's it.

Now, if you are still operating in the social chit-chat world, you may be lost as I explain the following:

Decisions are made in a specific area located in the subconscious mind.

Commercially, we must talk directly to that area located in the subconscious mind with special language.

Talking to the conscious mind with flip charts and videos . . . not a productive idea for business, but a fun hobby if you enjoy interacting with people.

Because no one ever told me this, I worked hard finding new leads and prospects to socially interact with, give presentations to etc. A dead end.

So if you are using social talking skills, just be aware that there is a whole new world out there awaiting you when you decide to "cross the line" to commercial talking skills.

Here is an exercise to check if you are trained or untrained - record what you say in the first 20 seconds when you prospect or speak with a client.

If you are just saying “How are you?” or “How can I help?” or “That looks like a nice tie” perhaps you might need more help.

One of my books “Getting Yes Decisions” will get you started, click here for more information

Financial Advisors – Midlands

How to get clients without prospecting.

At no cost – Here are details of face-to-face Masterclass for Financials Advisors

Free ticket if booked in advance. Only 18 seats available.

Please find the details below. Click here for short video.

Date: Thursday 4th July April 2024

Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Venue: Hogarths Hotel, Four Ashes Road, Dorridge, Solihull, B93 8QE

During this workshop, I will also include my "12 magic words" technique for

  1. Rapport, to turn a stranger into a friend.
  2. Key question to find out the prospects' biggest financial challenge
  3. How to close using the exact soft words.

This effective 12-word process I have shared at many MDRT events around the world.

Please don't miss this opportunity to take one of the 18 remaining seats at this venue.

Join us for an afternoon of knowledge-sharing and networking. We look forward to welcoming you to this impactful event.

Limited numbers, so confirmation required.

Email or call Bernie De Souza on 07795 600 700 to book your place.



I opened a lovely bottle of red wine at 7pm last night. The label read consume by 2024 ...... I finished it by 1955.


Cashier to customer: Sorry for your wait.

Customer: You're not so slim yourself mate.


My son got a grade F in his geography exam today.

I sent him to his room, but he ended up in the fridge.


Until the next time, if you have friends who would like to get these newsletters, please send this link:




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