We scare our prospects.

Don't worry. This is natural. All prospects think, "Are you going to sell me something? Will I buy something I won’t need? Will I have to change?" And because of these fears, we appear scary to our prospects.

How can we make this better for our prospects? By building better rapport first. How? By telling our prospects facts they already believe. This makes them feel better about our conversation. A couple examples of facts that we could use to make our prospects feel better:

  • "Commuting to work takes a lot of time."
  • “It is hard to save money when things are so expensive."
  • "Many people have a dream to own their own business."
  • "A four-day week would give us longer weekends."
  • “A second pay check would make things a lot better."

When we say phrases like this, we can see our prospects exhale and feel relieved. This will make the rest of our conversation go much better.

How I learned "mind-reading" ninja skill

Here is the short story.

I cheat.

This takes two steps.

1. Ask better starter questions. These will get our prospects to open up more. We want them to tell us exactly what they are thinking. This way we can serve them better. Examples?

  • "What would you like to know first?"
  • "What would you like to know next?"
  • "Why did you decide to start looking now?"
  • "What will happen if you could retire earlier?"

2. Learn to listen. Our prospects will tell us exactly what we need to know. Prospects love speaking what’s in their minds. We learn to say things such as:

  • "That’s interesting."
  • "And then what happened."
  • "Uh-huh. I see."
  • "Oh really?"

Don’t worry. Prospects will talk and tell us everything we need to know.

Talking AT prospects and doing long monologues, videos and PowerPoints are so … 1970 door-to-door peddler methods. Today, prospects are more educated. They have something called the Internet that has all the facts and information they need already.

But what don’t our prospects have?

Someone who listens. That can be us.

Financial Advisors – Midlands

How to get clients without prospecting.

At no cost – Here are details of face-to-face Masterclass for Financials Advisors

Free ticket if booked in advance. Only 18 seats available.

Please find the details below. Click here for short video.

Date: Thursday 4th July April 2024

Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Venue: Hogarths Hotel, Four Ashes Road, Dorridge, Solihull, B93 8QE

During this workshop, I will also include my "12 magic words" technique for

  1. Rapport, to turn a stranger into a friend.
  2. Key question to find out the prospects' biggest financial challenge
  3. How to close using the exact soft words.

This effective 12-word process I have shared at many MDRT events around the world.


Please don't miss this opportunity to take one of the 18 remaining seats at this venue.


Join us for an afternoon of knowledge-sharing and networking. We look forward to welcoming you to this impactful event.


Limited numbers, so confirmation required.

Email justyna@berniedesouza.com or call Bernie De Souza on 07795 600 700 to book your place.



I've just found out my uncle has left me a stately home in his will.

I have no idea where Sod Hall is. I'm just off to google it.

To be honest, the only reason my wife and I are together is the children. Neither of us wanted custody.


Until the next time, if you have friends who would like to get these newsletters, please send this link:





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