Premature presentations

New Advisors are terrified of meeting new prospects. Why?

Because they approach cold prospects with an agenda. Prospects can sense and feel when we have an agenda of selling what we have.

It feels like this. We approach a prospect and say, “You need a Financial Review, want one?  you need life insurance as you can never get enough, let me sort it out?” Definitely not great opening statements.

Instead, why can’t we just be normal? Here is a little formula for helping new Advisors expand their circle of acquaintances.

  1. Smile.
  2. Say “hi” in a friendly way.
  3. Ask someone how they are doing.
  4. Ask what is new with them.
  5. Listen.
  6. If we hear a problem we can solve, check if they want to solve that problem first.
  7. Offer a solution to their problem by presenting it as one more option they can choose from.

We don’t have to press for a presentation every time we meet a new person.

Instead, we can just be friends. This feels comfortable. We help people in need, only if they want to be helped.

Take a hint.

When prospects don’t call us back, it is because … they don’t want to talk to us.

Instead of trying to create a new script for our follow-up call, why don’t we do this instead? Ask ourselves, “What did we say or do in the initial conversation that caused our prospect to avoid us in the future?”

Better words before our presentation.

“Before I show you this financial option, I want you to know that it is a great option. At the end of this presentation, you can decide if this option is for you, or if you want to keep things the same.”

Now prospects know they don’t have to look for flaws in the presentation, so they have excuses not to sign. Now they can relax and listen to our message.

Financial Advisors – Midlands

How to get clients without prospecting.

At no cost – Here are details of face-to-face Masterclass for Financials Advisors

Free ticket if booked in advance. Only 18 seats available.

Please find the details below. Click here for short video.

Date: Thursday 4th July April 2024

Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Venue: Hogarths Hotel, Four Ashes Road, Dorridge, Solihull, B93 8QE

During this workshop, I will also include my "12 magic words" technique for

  1. Rapport, to turn a stranger into a friend.
  2. Key question to find out the prospects' biggest financial challenge
  3. How to close using the exact soft words.

This effective 12-word process I have shared at many MDRT events around the world.

Please don't miss this opportunity to take one of the 18 remaining seats at this venue.

Join us for an afternoon of knowledge-sharing and networking. We look forward to welcoming you to this impactful event.

Limited numbers, so confirmation required.

Email or call Bernie De Souza on 07795 600 700 to book your place.


The inventor of the knock-knock jokes has been awarded a No-bell prize.

The invisible man married the invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either.

Dorothy threatened to leave me due to my obsession with Morse Code.

I said, "Please don't dash Dot."

Aircraft designers have constructed a plane made entirely of rubber, so that if it crashes, it bounces. It's called a Boing 747.

The neighbour just asked if I was stealing his Wi-Fi, it felt like such an invasion of my piracy.

The Psychic’s Convention has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.


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