What question will help us make better presentations?

"What would you like to know first?"

Instead of pitching and presenting, we put our prospects in the question-asking mode.

It’s easy. And it is polite.

Prospects hate a one-way conversation where we just talk at them.

So as soon as possible, ask the question:

"What would you like to know first?"

Our prospects will feel more in control of the information, and they will tell us exactly what they want to know.

Why prospects join.

If prospects joined because of information, companies wouldn't need us. They already have information everywhere.

So it is not the "information" that makes the difference. Then, what makes the difference?

  1. Who presents the information.
  2. How the information is presented.

Both of these factors are within our control.

Which one of these factors are we working on now?

Three choices for our prospects.

1. Choose us.

2. Choose our competitor

… and

3. Do nothing.

We should address all three choices when we present.

If we spend more time describing choice #3, the problem, we can expect better success in our presentations.



The man who invented predictive text leaves behind a whiff, two sins and a doughnut.

My husband was hinting at what he wanted for his 50th birthday.

He said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 200 in about 2 seconds." 

I bought some bathroom scales.

And then the fight started .....




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