The Fool.

My successful coach: “Stop giving prospects all the information.”

Me (the fool): “I would be a coach unless I had all the information.”

Yes, I was 100% correct. I would never be a coach unless I had all the information. My successful coach was wrong. I was living proof. And I didn’t mind telling him how he wrong on this one, many years ago.

Uh ... but I missed one important fact. I wasn’t giving presentations to me. I was giving presentations to prospects who did not think like me!

That is when I learned the lesson, “Don’t judge skills or lessons based upon what I think. My prospects will think differently because they are not me.”

So, while I loved information and needed it for my decision, this was a terrible way to present to others. Then when I learned that decisions were made immediately in the subconscious mind, my humiliation grew. I didn’t even understand how my mind made decisions.

I changed. Now when I hear something I disagree with, I don’t immediately discount it. I try to have a more open mind. I should not judge the skills of how to talk to others based upon my personal preferences.

Take a look at a few brain rules for Professionals. See if you have the same resistance I did when I first saw them:

  • All decisions are made in the subconscious mind.
  • Decisions happen immediately.
  • Decisions happen before the information.
  • The close can be in the ice breaker.
  • Prospects don’t want to hear information unless they have already made a decision.
  • Limit prospects’ choices to just two.

Well ... we get the idea here. I could make a longer list of initial brain rules, but for most people, here is what happens.

They experience the same knee-jerk reaction I had when I first saw these. Our immediate response is to resist. For me, I wanted to keep those manipulative 1960s sales techniques I had learned. They were not working for me, so why did I believe they were true? No idea. Maybe I was a fool.

One brain rule is that humans hate changing their minds. I didn’t like hearing that rule either. :) But once I learned about cognitive biases, I changed.

If there is one thing we should take away from my sad story, it is this: “Don’t pass judgment on what works or doesn’t work based upon us. We are not our prospects. We think differently.”

Opening sentence ideas. (The painful approach.)

  • “Are you okay with 40 years of hard labour helping our boss get rich?”
  • “Are you okay with five days of every week being taken from us?”
  • “Are you okay with waking up early to work hard for someone else?”
  • “Are you okay with taking orders from someone else for 40 years?”
  • “Are you okay with someone else telling us how much money we can earn?”​

These 4 words “are you ok with” then point out the pain…. Then wait for soft NO, then you know you have hit a nerve which needs to be solved.

Too many of us are guilty of information dumps!!


  • The guy who invented the umbrella was going to call it the 'brella'. But he hesitated.




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